
Stop Progression of Disc Protrusions, Bulges, and Disc Degeneration...

The Cervical Traction Pillow Relieves Pressure in the neck, reduces pain, improves posture, and slows the process of degeneration of the discs in the neck.

The Cervical Linear Traction Neck PillowBy putting the neck back into alignment and taking pressure off the nerves, the neck can work like it should. This means the muscles, neck spinal bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and discs.

Visit Arc 4 Life.com for your online selection of all types of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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Poor Neck Posture Puts Pressure
On Your Discs

Forward Head - One Example Of Poor Posture In The Neck That Puts Extra Stress On Cervical Discs
Forward Head Posture is on of the most common misalignments out there, but there are other common neck abnormalities like head tilt and a neck that is shifted laterally. THEY ALL PUT EXTRA PRESSURE ON THE DISCS!

This spine is built in a way that it can withstand various forces on it such as gravity pushing down, turning, jumping, twisting, etc…

Any shift in the spine, whether it’s forward head or another misaligned posture, puts increased pressure on the spine and discs makingyour chance of getting neck pain or problems greater.

Use one of our neck pillows to align your neck preventing pain, poor neck posture, and disc degeneration. Our most popular pillow is the Cervical Linear Traction Neck Pillow. Read what others have said about the Traction Pillow.

Visit Arc4life.com for neck pain solutions: get better sleep and better posture with our products.

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Back Pain and Neck Pain Due to Fibromyalgia: Can Diet Make A Difference?

Fibromyalgia can cause pain in the shoulders, neck, low back, hips, or other areas.Fibromyalgia (FM) is a complex condition that includes widespread symptoms of muscle and joint pain, where everything seems to ache and is associated with severe exhaustion and fatigue. It can cause pain in the shoulders, neck, low back, hips, or other areas. Other symptoms such as sleep disturbances, sensitivity to touch, genitourinary symptoms are common as well. It affects up to 4% of the population, woman greater than men, with no known cause or known cure. With these facts, it’s not surprising that many sufferers have turned to diet as a means of trying to improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, there are many conflicting dietary recommendations for FM, some completely contradicting the other, leaving the patient and doctor confused as to who or what to believe.

FM can be primary (of unknown cause) or secondary (caused by a different specific condition). Because many conditions can give rise to FM, it’s not surprising that there is no one diet that works universally for all FM patients. However, many FM sufferers respond from eliminating one or more of several types of foods according to experts interviewed by WebMD, and utilizing these recommendations can prove highly effective. They specifically identified 7 foods to avoid in the management of FM, which include the following:

  1. Aspartame (NutraSweet): All of the experts interviewed by WebMD agreed a large majority of FM patients could worsen by eating or drinking foods sweetened by aspartame.
  2. MSG (monosodium glutamine) and nitrates: MSG is a common additive to enhance flavor in many processed and frozen foods as well as in some Asian (eg., Chinese) foods. Hence, lunchmeats like ham, bologna and bacon should be avoided.
  3. Sugar, fructose, and simple carbohydrates: Though no study has clearly identified that these foods directly worsen the symptoms in FM patients, eliminating foods like cake, white bread and sugar in general, will decrease the risk of developing secondary conditions such as yeast infections that can give rise to FM. Eliminating foods with high levels of fructose corn syrup has been reported to help some FM patients.
  4. Caffeine (coffee, tea, colas/soda, chocolate): After a brief stimulating effect (energy boost), there is a longer lasting sedative affect, which is amplified in FM patients. The good news is that most of the caffeine is out of the body within a week of discontinuing use.
  5. Yeast and glutens: These two are not related but are frequently used together in foods like cake, donuts and bread and both contribute to FM symptoms. Yeast gives rise to yeast fungus where an overgrowth may cause or exacerbate FM symptoms resulting in joint and muscle pain. Glutens can cause stomach and other GI problems, which in turn can give rise to fatigue.
  6. Dairy: Regardless if its low or high fat, some reports indicate that dairy products, particularly milk can increase the symptoms of FM and avoiding these can help.
  7. Nightshade plants: Tomatoes, chili and bell peppers, potatoes and eggplant can trigger flare-ups of FM and various forms of arthritis.

Some GOOD diet approaches include a heart-healthy diet – that is, one that is low in saturated fat and includes lean meats; poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables. This diet improves one’s overall health, thus reducing the risk of secondary FM and allowing the body to better fight off other disease processes. This diet is also anti-inflammatory, the common link found in many health conditions. A vegetarian diet comprised of mostly whole foods was also reported as helpful. High potency vitamin supplement and specifically Omega 3 fatty acids (main ingredients – EPA & DHA) included in fish oil, flax seed, walnuts, some fortified cereals, and eggs also help reduce inflammation.

Additional Reading Resources

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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10 Problems with your Chair that Can Contribute to Lower Back Pain

Have good posture while sitting can give your relief of lower back pain!
If you work with a computer constantly, drive long distances, or are sitting on the telephone talking to your clients all day, this next blog post will be beneficial for you.

There is a technique of sitting, and your chair has a lot to do with it.

When you sit in a chair, your muscles should be relaxed, and you should have good posture while you sit. An ergonomically correct chair will work with you to ensure that you are sitting correctly and are pain free by the end of the day. Sitting in an ill-fitting chair puts added stress to your body. It can cause fatigue and strain to your muscles. A great chair will allow your body to relax and give you support when your posture is not at its best.

  1. Not using a Lumbar Support- this causes added stress to the lower bck. A Lumbar Support is often “C”shaped to conform to the curves of your lumbar spine. A Lumbar Support allows you have the correct lumbar lordosis in your back. There are so many lumbar supports out there with a common goal of making sure you have good posture when you sit. For an office chair lumbar support, try the SitBack Rest. It has slight wings that will hold your midback area in place along with giving you a lordosis in the lumbar spine. If you want something that is less bulky, you can try the SlimRest Back Cushion which is ideal for automobiles. You can also get lumbar support cushions for which you control how much pressure and support you want for your lower back: The Inflatable lumbar support cushion. Recently, we introduced our readers to a back rest that provides ice or heat therapies while you sitting. If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, this back rest has a spot for hot or cold therapy pack- This sitback rest PLUS is very convenient and handy.
    Watch Arc4life's YouTube Video about how to use a lumbar cushion here:

  2. The arm rests are not at the right level. If your armrest is too high or too low they can cause discomfort while you are sitting. Your elbows should reach the arm rests, therefore decreasing the stress on your shoulder muscles. Ideally, your arms should be flexed 75-90 degrees for optimal posture.
  3. Back rest is scooped in the upper portion of the chair. The backrest should be flat in the upper portion. This can cause you to lean forward or slouch, which is not good for back posture. A chair with a flat back will ensure that as the day progresses and you get more tired, your posture stays in good form.
  4. Back rest is too vertical
  5. Backrest is too short
  6. Jack knifing effect at the hips and knees.This position can exaggerate the curve in the lumbar spine which increase pressure on the lower back muscles and ligaments, creating pain and discomfort. Your knees should be even with your knees or slightly elevated for good posture.
  7. High front edge of the seat. This can decrease circulation to the legs and feet
  8. Seat Bottom is too soft in the center. This creates a “bucket effect”- this effect places more stress and load on your outer thighs, instead of the bony joints of your buttocks.
  9. Feet are not in the right position when sitting. Make sure that when you are sitting, your feet are touching the floor flat. If you are uncomfortable with this, use a foot rest or even a phone book to elevate your feet.
  10. Overall chair size is not right for you. If you are petite person an over size chair is not going to help you or be comfortable.

Making changes to how we sit can be difficult and discomforting at first. It can even cause soreness because your body is not used to changing the way our muscles are being used. However the effort put into making sure you have good posture while sitting is well worth it. You back will thank you in the long term.

Source: Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, by Travell and Simons

Photo Source: Joanie Malone

Additional Resources:

Visit Arc 4 Life for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products, lower back supports and cushions.

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