
How Can I Massage My Own Neck?

Here's the reason, when the muscles bind up you will lose not only motion of those muscles but of the neck spine to. Breaking up those muscle adhesions helps to allow better motion and for inflammation to dissipate. You see, when we lose motion, inflammation builds up and we get pressure on nerves. It's this nerve pressure that creates neck pain, arm pain, and headaches.

Massaging Your Own Neck Muscles is Easy to Do
Here's one of the simplest ways to do it: Reach across your body with the right hand to massage the left neck. Grab your trapezius, this is the big muscle on top of your shoulder. There is always muscle knots or trigger points there. Grab an squeeze for 10 seconds. Next move slightly to a different spot. You can do it as many times as you want; you can also do the other side too.

Additional Reading Resources:

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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Neck Pain - Speedy Relief...

A lot of people call to purchase a pillow or relief product but also want help getting some relief now without popping a pill. My advice is a list of a few things. Not every one works for every body; not to mention, everyone's situation, or particular pain may be slightly different.

Solutions for Speedy Neck Pain Relief
Here we go: #1 - Muscle massage. This will depend slightly on where your pain is, but trigger point massage gives the quickest relief. Get on those knots (or trigger points) hold for 7-10 seconds and move to the next spot. You can repeat as much as you want.

#2 - Neck stretches. Hold a stretch for 10-20 seconds, only go as far as you can and repeat a few times. 1 extra tip: do trigger point massage while in a stretched position too.

#3 - An ice pack. Ice the particular sore are for 20 minutes on and then 20 minutes off.

Try these quick relief tips. When your traction pillow comes in, or other relief and posture product, you'll will be more able to adjust.

Additional Resources:

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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"This Headache Is Terrible..."

Do You have a Bad Headache that Just Won't Go Away?
Do you Have a Headache That Just Won't Go Away?
You've got a bad headache and it just won't go away! Did you know that over 90% of headaches come from the neck? Yes, that's right! So that poor neck posture might be catching up with you. So it makes complete sense to correct your posture; especially in your neck.

One of the most common postural MISalignments is forward head, and with that often comes a loss of the cervical curve. So what can we doe to fix it? We can do chiropractic adjustments, we can do neck exercises, we can do neck traction, and we can use a neck pillow. A great thing with using a neck pillow (pillow has a roll in it for the neck curve), is that this one's done while you sleep!

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

Image Source: FoxNews

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